Friday 2nd July at the Medieval Castle. #COVereD Ten Video Dance works – Testimonies for the Pandemic


Ιn a time of pandemic and universal lockdown, ten artists from different parts of Greece and Portugal create Video-Dance works via online rehearsals, telling their own stories and asking their own questions. 

The complex project #COVereD is the result of three months of research, collaboration, and creation of people from various fields of art. The image, the movement, and the sound coexist in these ten works.

Direction/Choreography : Konstantina Ntinapogia          

Performers: Annathalia Karampela, Nikola Mikeli, Athena Geraniou, Mirto Krasaki, Niki Boti, Dionysia Korovesi, Dimitris Matrakidis, Joana Pinto, Gisela Ferreira, Matilde Tarrinha, Alexandra Matteus, Konstantina Ntinapogia.                                                                             


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